triumphWelcome to Inspirations of Life Site cross

Produced by a seasoned teacher who also enjoys making "Nourishment Nuggets"  
 of homemade, yummy  grape jelly
....and donating it as reward for hard study and work efforts 

Welcome to Tony's Yard Works web site. Listed in the table format below, you will see examples of work over many years. I have worked with city and township officials for clean-up jobs, small tree cutting jobs; private home owners and builders for lawnscaping/design with new/old structures. I have been blessed to work with pastors of churches and many private citizens.

Prayer is an Awesome thing....this Landscaper has a "crispy & clean eye for beautifcation and ALSO believes in prayer.

treePastor's home tree a coming down...


Pastor's Home Tree Down
woods clearing Woods Clearing


Intense clean-up


Clean-up 1/2done

Nasty Vine Cleanup

Old shack tear down



Tree Limbs....down



Messy Tree Disaster

Maybe an attractive design but just can't find the time?

Interested in making the "old" look "new?" (Most popular problem....easily fixed with trained eyes and great work ethic)

Fill in Text Boxes below, it is in form format and will Send your request promptly..... Response will go straight to our email system for quick receipt!


Last Name:

Main Phone #:

Email address :

Click to Submit Info ...........

Web site Authored and Published by J. DuPree

Published for Digital Tutoring Enterprises® 2008-2016

Site questions, send email to




This is prime land from a deceased daughter of a Blissfield, Michigan veterinarian.


See This Property








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