Saying More....... with Less Words....Really.
Giving PowerPoint Presentations.......using a few words to say a LOT of words
What do I mean: When we "look and click" while surfing the internet, no person or company wants to take forever to search to see "IF" you offer what they need****remember, we have become a WANT IT NOW society.
This means we abbreviate, use known acronyms...for example...........see below......
We R open 24/7 for your calls.........(don't need every single word, draw in texting language)
Breathtaking views FOREVER remembered.......(says plenty)
Park, carnival admission passes ....(use this umbrella statement then simply list)
"Spirited service" outstanding hospitality.......(sounds energizing)
Trails 4 walking, dance floors, aerobic mats/machines...(get the pic of what is available?)
Large portions...lil dollars, amazing tastebuds...(sounds drooling?)
Left 10 miles....arrive!....(neat way of saying you should be c-ing it)
Get the Point? I hope so. We presenters WANT to be remembered as what?
Interesting people with GREAT easy to remember information
Another "Tip" would much as possible, use graphics to represent ideas.....numerical principles cause visual STRESS but are much better comprehended when presented with easy to remember graphic image......
Last "TIP" of the day is leave your audience with a "helpful" summation. Don't leave them bombarded with all your analyses....
A summary to help them remember the MOST important point you want them to walk away with.....(no one will retain it all)
What do these say to you? |
Hope you enjoyed reading......absorbing information to be a better presenter!
Web Authored and Published By DuPree
Digitalkonnektions2010 ®2008-2015
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Web Authored and Published By J. DuPree
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Digital Tutoring Enterprises ®2008-2016